Saskatchewan Cattlemen's Association
Athletic Sponsorship Program
Welcome to the to SCA’s new athletic sponsorship initiative. High performance athletes need high performance nutrients to fuel their efforts and to recover from their strenuous activities. Beef is a dense natural protein, rich in nutrients like iron and zinc, that meets the nutritional needs of today’s athletes.
This program brings some financial support for Saskatchewan athletes while promoting nutrition information with beef, nature’s high performance protein, at its center.
What do you get?
Depending on the size of the team or the amount of the request, teams and individual sport athletes can receive funding from $250 to $1,000 depending on what tier of the High Performance Protein Plan they are applying for.
What is SCA's ask?
A high visibility picture of the team, athlete, or event and permission to share it in our communications.
Distribution of the nutrition and preparation information to all participants.
Sponsorship Levels
• $250 - Individuals looking for support to attend competitions. Includes beef information on preparation and nutrition.
• $500 - Event sponsorship. Includes “door prize” high performance clothing item with logo and nutrition information.
• $1000 - High visibility team sponsorship. Applicants at this level may have logo placements on uniforms, or other “value” for sponsorship. Dependent on application.