20211032 - Growing fodder as an alternative feed
Account: Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association
Total Funds Requested: $14,900
Funded: Yes
Amount: $3,000
Determine whether there is any benefit to growing fodder on livestock operations versus conventional feeding methods by analyzing its potential production, nutritional, and economic benefit
Why is this Important?
1) Farm in Saskatchewan have said they "drought-proofed" their farm
2) hydroponically grown barley improved milk yield by 8.7% compared to corn silage
3) Could improve metabolized energy
4) Can reduce anti-nutritional factors on low-quality feeds such as phytic acid
5) Could allow producers to reallocate land
6) Economics of production need to be analyzed
1) Compare treatment group, fed fodder daily on top of typical ration.
2) Compared to cattle in control group, planned on siliar diet with grain in place of fodder.
3) Assess average daily gain, feed efficiency, nutrient content of rations, cost of production, and feed quality.
Questions to consider:
We are administrating this project. Putting some funding in it would likely help as well. This was discussed at a Board meeting as well.
Moisture conditions are quite variable throughout Saskatchewan, though the needs of feed for our cattle herds remain consistent.
The project demonstrates the use of a fodder growing system that would "drought-proof" farms and ranches through the use of hydroponically grown barley, and compares it to conventional feeding methods.